How to Use Article Marketing to Generate Highly Targeted Buyers

One of the things I have noticed with article marketing is that most people use it to generate search engine rankings to get organic traffic, or they use it to generate direct traffic to their website.

Article Marketing to Generate Highly Targeted Buyers

Article Marketing to Generate Highly Targeted Buyers

Although I use article marketing for both of those purposes, the thing that is most valuable about article marketing for me is its unique ability to generate highly targeted leads that are really easy to convert into buyers.

Let’s take a look first at the typical visitor purchased through traditional means, for example, PPC, organic traffic, or advertising traffic.

When someone comes to your website from one of those sources they know nothing about you. They have seen a hyped-up 3-line advertisement that is designed of course to generate clicks. And odds are when they get to your site, they don’t have a clue who you are. And even if you do a good job getting people to opt in on that page they still don’t have a clue who you are. So you have to work really hard to develop enough trust for people to start buying from you.

But let’s contrast article marketing.

Someone reads one of your articles. They like what they are reading, they like you, but they want more info before they go to your site. So they look around for more articles you have written. They see how many articles you have written. They are impressed.

Then they search your name in the search engines and find that your articles have been republished on many other websites. Now they are thinking that you must really be a trusted expert if all these other sites have put your article on their site.

So now when they go to your site, they are already primed they already trust you, they see others trust you and now you don’t have to build the foundation of a relationship with them, since you have already built that through your network of articles.

Can you see how this would lead people to become more trusting of you earlier in the relationship and this would lead to people buying from you sooner?

I encourage you to really think about this aspect of article marketing, and ask yourself how this might impact your ability to make more money on your website, due to the higher level of trust people experience before they get to your site.

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