[Amazon] – How to Promote Affiliate Products Top Ten List

Affiliate marketing is one of the largest revenue sources for many websites and blogs online. Not only do websites and bogs make a good amount of money through affiliate marketing, but so do ordinary people just like you. But have you ever wondered about different ways to promote affiliate products? Maybe you’re good at marketing, but you don’t know how to build a website or blog. Maybe you love to socialize on social networks, have you ever thought about promoting products there?

How to Promote Affiliate Products – Top Ten List

How to Promote Affiliate Products

On Your Website

Obviously, the most effective way to promote affiliate products is on a website. There are many different techniques for promoting affiliate products, but the most effective ways are with banner ads, text link ads, and through keyword links. Banner ads are not as lucrative anymore, but text ads and keyword ads are one of the largest revenue sources for most websites.

For good success with keyword marketing, place keyword links in the body of your articles on your website. Don’t use a ‘click here’ link, instead write about something your visitors might be interested in, and use that phrase as a keyword link to your affiliate product. That will be the most lucrative way for you to gain affiliate commissions.

On your Blog

Promoting products on your blog is the second most effective way to earn affiliate commissions. Just like the website point, banner ads are not as effective as they used to be, so text ads and keyword ads are the more lucrative methods of promotion.

On Wikis like HubPages and Squidoo

Sites such as HubPages offer great options for people who don’t have the skills to design a website or blog. With the options of displaying AdSense, Amazon Associates, and eBay on your pages within those two sites, there are good ways to make some money.

The disadvantage to using sites such as HubPages and Squidoo is you are not allowed to place direct affiliate links in your ‘hub’ or ‘lens’, thus you must place links to your own website or blog post which then promotes a specific product. It’s still a very effective way because you gain visitors to your site as well as possible commissions.

On social networks

There are social networks all over the web, and the most common sites today are Twitter and Facebook. And those sites are a great way to promote affiliate products. Be careful you don’t over-promote; you want to look trustworthy, not like a scammy salesperson. So, build relationships with people, and gain their trust, then once you have a good following on both of these sites, you have the chance to promote products to your friends or followers.

Through online articles

Again, the same idea as the previous points, online article directories often don’t allow direct affiliate links in your article. However, the huge advantage to using links to your own page which has affiliate links, is you get another quality backlink to your site. And there are sites where other people can use your articles on their own site or email marketing campaigns, thus, more links to your site and more visitors looking at your affiliate products.

Using PPC advertising

Many people do this, but I have never been a huge advocate for this promotion technique. There is huge money to be made, and huge money to be lost, so you need to be careful if you decide to use PPC advertising for your affiliate promotion option.

The way PPC advertising works for affiliate links is very simple. Gather an affiliate link from a site like Amazon Associates or ClickBank, and sign up for a PPC advertising program like AdWords by Google. Instead of advertising your own site, you will start an advertising campaign for that affiliate link. And every time someone clicks your ad, you will have to pay, but you could also get a much larger commission.

In an eBook

eBooks are a great source of affiliate promotion because you know whoever is reading your eBooks is someone who is a highly targeted reader. Thus the reader will be open to viewing links in that book. But make sure those links are affiliate links!

Using Email marketing

Email marketing is not as lucrative as it once was, but there is still good money to be made through email marketing. Don’t spam your email address list, instead send them an informative email with one or two affiliate keyword links. And if they are interested in what you are writing about, they will click that link without even knowing it’s an affiliate link.

Another great way to promote affiliate products in an email is through your email signature. Create an email signature and create a little sales pitch for an affiliate product, then place it in one affiliate keyword link.

On banner exchange programs

There are sites such as 1800banners that allow you to exchange banner ads with other people in the same program. I don’t find it a useful way to gain huge amounts of traffic, however, it’s still a good option for those who want a simple way of promoting affiliate products.

YouTube videos

People don’t often think about using YouTube videos for promoting affiliate products, but using YouTube as an option for promoting a page on your site (or wiki) that has affiliate links is a great option. There is no way of placing an annotation affiliate link on your video, but you can place links in your side info box.

You can place links to affiliate products, your website with affiliate products, or your wiki which will also have another revenue source.

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